Being positive and happy is often a determining factor in the ultimate success of most people’s lives.

Comedian Jack Levi, whose on stage character is Elliot Goblet, is certain that workplace humour is essential for business success and is convinced that laughter has a very therapeutic effect on people.

As Levi puts it, ‘Laughing is internal jogging’. People who laugh often tend to be healthier, less stressed individuals.

Laughter in business relieves stress associated with high-pressure workplace environments. Humour can change the way people perceive and approach different situations.

Humour also tends to reduce conflict and smoothes the way for change. Sometimes, in dealing with work associates or clients, there may be situations that are difficult to approach. Using a humorous, light-hearted approach can often get the message through whilst reducing tension or sensitivity.

One of the ways I measure whether I have had a successful day is to ask myself, “Have I laughed today?” Even better is to ask, “Have I shared some laughter today?”

So do some internal jogging every day. Laugh long and laugh often but always laugh appropriately.

Remember laughter is certainly the best medicine!

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