My beautiful and much loved pink and purple eared and tailed Millie, seen here mothering Polly recently, is getting on!

In fact as the ravages of age affect her in her thirteenth year she’s been suffering from a disease called vestibulitis. This is an infection of the middle ear and it results in severe vertigo, or loss of balance. When she looks at you she does it with her head held on an angle and because of the vertigo she’s often dizzy and occasionally topples over. Sadly, the occasionally is becoming more frequently.

The great thing is that, every time she falls down, she gets up again. Never have I seen her just lie there, say she’s sick of it and not get up. I’d swear that, every time she gets up, she’s does so with a smile!

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I contrast that with the attitude of some of the people I meet (and some spoilt little brats too) who fall over and either don’t try to get up or simply wait for someone to rush over and help them. Of course I don’t mean fall over literally; I simply mean when they hit a problem or the going gets tough.

My old mum called this attribute of getting up every time stickability which my thesaurus tells me means a person’s ability to persevere with something or staying power and it’s a characteristic I love to see in people.

I love seeing it in others, my colleagues, relatives and friends, and I hope I rigorously exhibit myself.

So the question for today is: How’s your stickability quotient? When the going gets tough do you get going?