Writing in The Huffington Post recently Katy Wolk-Stanley confessed that “Everything I Needed to Learn in Life, I Learned From Star Trek” and, although I know little about Star Trek, I thought that her observations were worth sharing.  I am indebted to the healing hands chiropractor of Canberra, Donald McDowall, for drawing the article to my attention.

I am a geek.

I am in fact a super geek. Not only do I think that everything related to frugality is fascinating. (Have I told you about my homemade laundry detergent? Really, I already did? Can I tell you again?) I also have exactly zero interest in being cool. Clothing, makeup and even popular music hold little interest for me. (This has been frustrating to my friends, who think I could be so pretty if I “just wore a little bit of makeup.”)

My lack of the cool gene is actually quite freeing.

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It means that I’m free to pursue interests that others wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. For example: Star Trek.

I rediscovered the different Star Trek TV series through my local library, (The Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise and, of course, the original series) and I’ve felt great watching these shows with my young sons. And I came to realize that the ethics I’m trying to impart to my kids are perfectly mirrored within the Star Trek universe.

Read the complete article here

Follow Katy Wolk-Stanley on Twitter: www.twitter.com/thenonconsumer