Almost everyone wants to achieve success but many people just don’t know how to go about it. They aim at nothing and hit it with amazing accuracy! Yet the simple secret to achieving goals and objectives is to set them – if you set ’em, you’ll get ’em!

Astonishingly, there are countless numbers of people who haven’t set goals in either their personal or business lives. By not having anything to strive towards, any result they achieve is accepted as okay.

Everyone should make a point of having short-term goals, medium-term goals and long-term goals. Short-term goals, in particular, are of critical importance. These are goals that are a week away, a month away or a year away.

Goals also need to be specific, measurable and quantifiable. For example, don’t just plan to walk every day; aim to walk for 30 minutes at 6 o’clock every morning. Having a specific target means that you know exactly where you’re going as well as having a measuring stick to go by.

It doesn’t matter what you want to achieve, personally or in business, having a goal is critical. It’s like having a signpost. How will you know how you’ve done unless you have signposts to mark your progress?

So take the time to decide where you want to be now, next month or next year. You’ll be amazed to see that when you set those goals, you’ll achieve them.

Remember – if you set ’em, you’ll get ’em and if you don’t you won’t!

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